Latest News & Announcements

Dr. Stellah Mukhovi wins research grant

Dr. Stellah Mukhovi has won a Transformation Acceleration Grant (TAG) from Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) to establish a Virtual Food Sustainability Academy (VFSA). The project will be implemented in four countries; Kenya (University of Nairobi), Nigeria (University of Nigeria), Colombia (Universidad Nacional de Colombia), Bolivia (COMPAS), and Switzerland (University of Bern).

Nourishing Spaces Project Partner Visit

Dr. Gareth Hysom of African Centre for Cities, University of Cape Town, visited the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies on 9th and 10th April 2019. Gareth is part of the Nourishing Spaces Project team. He met the Nairobi Case Study research team led by Prof. Samuel Owuor and Dr. Teresa Mbatia. The meeting was also attended by Mr. Paul Opiyo, representing another partner – Kisumu Local Interaction Platform. They were welcomed to the Department by the Chair, Dr. Boniface Wambua.


2019 Geography & Environmental Studies Undergrad Field Class

Field class is an annual Senate approved mandatory event for all third year geography and environmental studies students. The 2019 field class took place largely in the Coastal regions of Kenya between 31st March and 6th April 2019. The theme of the field class was “Devolution in a changing environment and sustainable utilization of natural resources”. The field class team comprised Dr. John Nyangaga (Coordinator), Dr. Stella Mukhovi and Prof. Sam Owuor.


The Department of Geography and Environmental Studies was well represented at the International Workshop on mitigating hierarchy to manage biodiversity impacts. This workshop was organized at an international level by The Biodiversity Consultancy (TBC) from Cambridge at the National Museums of Kenya on 5th March 2019. Both staff, students and alumni of the Department attended this workshop. The aim of the workshop is to create awareness on the World Bank’s IFC criteria for development projects done in and around areas of conservation.


Open Data Day is an event that happens within cities around the world and mostly in countries that have affiliated institutions with OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap is a project started in the UK to create free editable maps that can be used by registered members who have grown to 2 million. The theme of this year’s Open Data Day in Nairobi was ‘Everything from Open Data to Crowd sourcing in one session’. The activities during this year’s celebrations were interactive sessions on how to access open data, how to create open data through various platforms, how to use Marathon.